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Compass + Jira Service Management

Andrew Freedman
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 26, 2023


IT & DevOps continue to evolve, teaming up more often than ever before. Both groups of users need a consistent view to keep them aligned, but both also have different sets of needs. During an incident we might see IT coordinating the push, providing the system of record and collating relevant information as it’s discovered. While Compass helps engineers navigate to the root cause quicker and more accurately, giving them greater visibility through their distributed architecture.

We've leaned into this pattern of cooperation to make some big advances in how Compass interoperates with Jira Service Management and I'm really pleased to share these new features with our Community!


Imagine you’re a developer in a You-Build-It-You-Run-It team — you’re responsible for the “Publishing Platform”. It seems the API Gateway is broken and — clearly your architecture is peculiar, but stick with me — that seems to have been caused by your service.


JSM has some of the information you want on the Incident object; user reports on what they’ve seen, a place to document discoveries and actions. But you also know that Compass has some of the data that’s going to help you make a quick and accurate diagnosis — the activity feed can help you identify potential bad deployments, metrics & scorecards can help you spot what looks unusual and links to runbooks, Slack channels & dependency data will help you progress through the search.


JSM services can now store links to Compass services and vice versa. We support this between products on a single site, so there’s no auth dance or config to worry about — if you’ve got Compass and JSM running and you’ve got a service catalogue in each then you’re good to go, add links and let your users get the best of both worlds.

Incident events

We’ve supported incident events from PagerDuty sources for a while now but building the JSM/Compass link puts us in a position to route JSM Incidents into Compass as well. This allows users to browse events on the activity feed, in context of commits, deployments and (very soon) flags, across dependency lines and contrast those events with incidents. Understanding the drivers of an incident and its flow on effects becomes so much simpler when the timeline is laid out in Compass, we think you're going to love this!


JSM importer

If you’ve spent time and effort carefully building out your CMDB/service catalogue in JSM then you’re a long way to success with Compass even before you provision the product. And to make life easy, we populate the link between JSM & Compass services automatically when you use the importer, so you get the navigation benefits and the incident events with zero effort! We’re constantly looking for ways to bring you value with Compass and this is a huge shortcut.


We're putting the final touches on these changes, but expect to see them reach your Compass instance in the very near future. As ever, we're excited to hear about your experiences and to learn what improvements you'd like to see next!


Ivan Ferreira
Community Leader
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May 19, 2023

¡Hello! I'm testing the JSM Integration, but when I create an Incident with a test service, I don't get the incident in the Activity log.

Here you can see the incident created in JSM:



And here the emtpy compass activity:



It seems that everything is configured as it should be:



Any insights?

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Noah Miles November 29, 2023

I'm having the same issue exactly...  what is the resolution?  

I'm doing a demo of this tomorrow.  It would be amazing to have this little 'extremely high value' feature working!  Thanks

Orlando Kelly January 23, 2024

was this resolved? Seeing the same thing with the Azure DevOps plugin/app. Deployments not showing up in the activity view :-(

Josiah Graves
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October 20, 2023

@Andrew Freedman, if we have a component which is equivalent to a Jira service, is there any way to sync the repo link?

Also, is there any way to programatically create an associted Jira service from a Compass component? The ideal use case would be:

  1. Repos in Bitbucket automatically create Compass components
  2. Compass components automatically create associated Jira Services for Incident and Change management


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