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What government user groups do you belong to?

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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October 27, 2022

Throughout my career I have belonged to several different government user groups that have allowed me to network, learn, improve and help others.  

  • What government user groups do you belong to? 
  • Why do you belong to them?
  • Who would you recommend them to?



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Chase Brown October 28, 2022

@Brant Schroeder

I think you are going to have a hard time getting responses to this question because that information is somewhat sensitive. Identifying our organizations in general puts a target on our backs for foreign interests seeking to disrupt our mission and capabilities. It's like saying "go check out (insert 3-letter agency), they use Confluence and the latest CVE just came out... they should be penetrable if they haven't upgraded".

As for the "Why" we belong to the groups we belong do... its derivative of the first question, and while it could be answered with vagueness, I do not think you would get the answer you are looking for. 

As for recommendations, I'm not sure what you are asking for if not for insider information? I mean I can recommend you go to Publics (American Grocery Store) to get a Pub-Sub if you ever get the chance, but I do not thing that is what you are looking for. If you are asking if we have recommendations for potential sale leads, I'm just going to say that I submit those to my company, and they work with Atlassian through the Partner Program. I suppose I could read the question as if you are asking who I would recommend my user groups to, and that clearly depends on who the individual is... It's a relatively small community, but we tend to be very specialized. 


I could just be reading these questions wrong all together. If that is indeed the case, please elaborate and I'll try to give a new response due attention. 

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 28, 2022

@Chase Brown thanks for your response.  I think I should have been more clear.  What I am really looking for is user groups or professional user groups like PMI for example or COMPTIA local technology groups.  These are something that most individuals would have on their LinkedIn profile and would be considered public.  It could be current or in the past, which has been helpful to be a part of.  

A couple of examples might be:

  • Local IEEE local user group.  
  • To stay on top of current technology trends and regulatory standards.
  • Engineers


  • GASB
  • Learn more about accounting standards and changes.
  • Accounting directors or above. 
Chase Brown October 28, 2022

@Brant Schroeder thank you for your clarification. That makes sense. 


Sort of like: 

  • PMP
  • applying the latest in project management practices
  • Jira Align users/investors, mid/upper-level executives, project management users


  • Agile SMEs
  • implementing agile practices for product development/execution
  • Jira software users/investors, software development teams, Kanban users, Scrum users

I'll have to think about some others. 

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 28, 2022

@Chase Brown yes, thanks.

carolyn french
Community Leader
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October 28, 2022

I was going to also ask for clarification around what you were asking @Brant Schroeder thanks @Chase Brown .

I'd love to contribute to the list!

- There are many local Toastmasters clubs, not specifically identified as government ones, but that meet and are convenient for govt employees. I used to belong to an amazing one that met at Treasury Dept. during lunch.

- An excellent way to practice public speaking and communication, and get helpful feedback on how to improve. It's a very supportive environment! 

- Useful for Project Managers, or other roles that need to present, lead calls and meetings, etc.


- Local PMI chapters. I highly recommend the Washington, DC chapter. Lots of great events for government professionals.

Side note: The Project Management Institute, Washington DC Chapter, Inc. (PMIWDC) is the largest PMI Chapter in the world with over 9,000 active members.

- Formed in 1978 to serve the networking and educational needs of DMV area residents, PMIWDC activities include monthly meetings, professional development offerings, outreach to overseas chapters, workshops and seminars from noted business leaders.

- PMIWDC events and activities attract all levels of business and government managers, executives, and project management practitioners and provide a framework for professional networking and social interaction among its members.

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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 28, 2022

Thanks this is very helpful.

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