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In my Default assignee field, i cant see the the Component lead, what i need to do?

julia casagrande May 14, 2024

In my Default assignee field, i cant see the the Component lead, what i need to do?

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Rik de Valk
Community Leader
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May 14, 2024

Hi @julia casagrande , 

There are 2 places where you can change configurations that affect the default assignee. 

  1. In Project Settings > Details: here you can choose to between 'Unassigned' or 'Project lead'
  2. In the Component overview: here you can choose per Component between: 
    1. Project default: this means that for this Component the assignee will respect your Project Settings (so either unassigned or the project lead)
    2. Component lead: issues with this component will be assigned to the Component lead
    3. Project lead: issues with this component will be assigned to the project lead
    4. Unassigned: issues with this component will not be assigned

If an issue has multiple components, and at least one of them uses Component Lead, then the Component Lead takes precedence over Project LeadProject Default, and Unassigned as the Assignee.If the components have different Component Leads, the default assignee will be set to the Component Lead of the component that is first alphabetically.

Hope that helps. Have a nice day!


julia casagrande May 15, 2024

Hello, is still not working. 


Screenshot 2024-05-15 alle 10.01.36.png


I din what you sad, so in the component i put "Irene" as a component lead to this component. But then i create a new task with the component "analisi fatibilità/nuove implementazione" and it was created under underassiged. 

Screenshot 2024-05-15 alle 10.05.10.png

Rik de Valk
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 15, 2024

Hi @julia casagrande , 

Maybe Irene doesn't have the 'Assignable user' permission on the project? 

In the Permission Scheme of the project, check which Groups / Project Roles have been set for the permission 'Assignable user'. 

For example, it might say that the 'Developer' project role is Assignable user. 

In that example, you must ensure that Irene is assigned to the Developer role in the People section of the project settings. 

Cheers, Rik 

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